Braden Family Cookbook Chuck Braden
FRESH CORN WITH MINT Honolulu Magazine
6 – 8 ears of Kahuku corn[1] 2 TBSP olive oil 2 TBSP freshly squeezed lime juice (optional red bell pepper chopped about the size of the kernels of corn – ¼ - ½ cup) ¼ cup chopped mint salt and pepper to taste
Cut kernels off the cobs. Cook for about 5 minutes in a little water. Drain thoroughly and let corn come to room temperature. Add red bell pepper if using then add lime juice and olive oil. Salt and pepper to taste. Chop mint and add just before serving. [1] Kahuku corn is grown on the island of Oahu. It’s formal name is Hawaiian Supersweet 10A. Yellow and white kernels that stay crunchy and extremely sweet, even when cooked. |