Braden Family Cookbook

Chuck Braden

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JAMES BEARD’S BOILED BEEF                                                James Beard

(6 - 7 servings) 

1 ½ - 1 3/4 pound center-cut beef tenderloin, trimmed of as much fat as possible

5 cups beef broth 

Tie beef crosswise at 1 - 11/2 inch intervals with cotton string to make a compact roll.  It should be about 3 inches thick.  Heat the beef broth in a deep 2 ½ - 3 quart pan over high heat to a boil, add beef, cover.  Turn to simmer and turning meat frequently until it is 100 degrees on a thermometer or pale red in the center of the thickest part about 20 - 25 minutes.  Lift from broth, reserve broth for other uses.  Cover and chill beef at least one hour and up to 2 days.  Slice thin and remove string.