Braden Family Cookbook Chuck Braden
Ahi block, 1 - 1 ˝ X 2 X at least 4 inches extra virgin olive oil Paul
Prudhomme Cajun Pork & Veal Magic©
seasoning (you might want to try one of the “rubs” in the last
section of the book, but start the first time with this one by Paul.
You can find it in most supermarkets and is a good introduction into
Creole seasonings
Lightly coat fish in olive
oil and roll fish in the spice. Heat
dry fry pan to very hot (smoking) and cook ahi a few seconds on each side.
Check your ventilation as this might set off your smoke detectors. Serve sliced thin on a bed
of shredded cabbage. Japanese hot
mustard and soy (shoyu) dressing on the side is optional. Figure about 4 oz. fish per person being served.
This is a chopsticks item. |